Terrifying Lip and Teeth Configurations Amongst Young Individuals

Young people today are no longer interested in simple tattoo styles, instead they prefer to mark difficult and unique positions such as teeth, in the lips, on the eyelids…

The most horror tooth and lip tattoo positions of young people

Tattoos on the head: Nowadays, young people, including women, tend not to hesitate to shave one side, even the head, just to get a tattoo. This is considered a strong impression style, suitable for those who are really personality, like to stand out. Many netizens also think that shaving and tattooing is the most perfect and harmonious combination today.

The most horror tooth and lip tattoo positions of young people

Tattooing instead of eyebrows: Unlike the beauty eyebrow tattoo of women as people think, the world’s young people now prefer to shave all their eyebrows and get tattoos and letters instead. Although this idea sounds unique, it is actually not pleasing to the eye, causing discomfort to others.

The most horror tooth and lip tattoo positions of young people

Tattoo on the face: Although it is considered unsightly, offensive, and uncomfortable to everyone around, some young people still decide to tattoo on their face, even full face tattoo. Besides the pain, face tattoos really stand out, often the choice of those who like to attract attention and fame, such as a model named Vin Los in the photo.

The most horror tooth and lip tattoo positions of young people

Tattoos on the eyelids: Many young people now have a strange hobby, which is tattooing in the skin on the eyelids. Usually, people often tattoo their eyes on them, to create uniqueness, humor and express their desire to never close their eyes.

The most horror tooth and lip tattoo positions of young people

Eyeball tattoo: The type of tattoo that can not be more dangerous can be said to be an eyeball tattoo. Tattooists will use a special method to create tattoos on the eyes themselves. In particular, many people also have a hobby of horror, tattooing the whole eyeball to change their eye color or become a vampire.

The most horror tooth and lip tattoo positions of young people

Teeth tattoo: Instead of marking the flesh on the body, young people today prefer the tattoo of teeth. This type of tattoo has really caused a fever in recent times, is considered difficult to perform and can only be seen when smiling and talking. To have a picture on the tooth, the player needs to give the tooth to the dentist, the tattooist to perform and then reattach it to the old position, and it costs from 75-200 USD depending on the type.

The most horror tooth and lip tattoo positions of young people

Lip tattoo: One of the weirdest, most dangerous tattoo styles of young people can be said to be tattooed on the inside of the lips. Young people who like to break things and want to keep secrets often choose this type of marking. However, due to its small area, containing many nerves, tattooing the inside of the lips is only suitable for small images and words and is very painful. In addition, because of being in a special environment, tattoos can only be kept for about 5 years at most.

The most horror tooth and lip tattoo positions of young people

Foot tattoo: Just like tattooing in the lips, marking on the soles of the feet is loved because it shows its uniqueness, it is difficult to detect, so it is kept secret from others. In fact, this trend is derived from the world famous young star – Miley Cyrus.

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