Italy: Discovery of the “Guardian of the Underworld” Tomb

According to Heritage Daily, this mysterious tomb is exceptionally well preserved and was an accidental discovery when archaeologists were searching for an ancient wall that defines the boundary of the cemetery in Flegreo Domitiana, an area with a high concentration of dense burial.

The strange tomb was found with a large stone slab blocking the entrance, leading to a room with intact frescoes on the ceiling and walls.

Ý: Phát hiện mộ phần của người canh giữ địa ngục - Ảnh 1.

The main fresco depicts the central figure, the evil god Cerberus, guarding the underworld – Photo: ITALIAN MINISTRY OF CULTURE

The most notable fresco depicts Cerberus, the three-headed dog of Greek mythology. Also known as the “hound of Hades”, it is responsible for guarding the gates of hell to prevent the dead from leaving.

The fresco depicts Cerberus’s final moments, when captured by Heracles. That was also the last of the 12 victories of the mythical demigod Heracles.

The details inside led to the tomb being designated “the tomb of Cerberus”. However, inside are still human remains.

The mysterious deceased believed to be related to Cerberus lies on a funeral bed surrounded by rich burial objects, and next to it is an altar with wine jars.

According to a press release from the Director of Archaeology, Fine Arts and Landscape of the Metropolitan Area of ​​Naples, this mysterious tomb is an unprecedented discovery in the area.

The researchers are also examining another detailed fresco depicting mythological scenes of ichthyocentaurs, a sea creature with a human upper body, the front lower body – including the two forelimbs – belonging to horse, the second half is a fish tail.

Ý: Phát hiện mộ phần của người canh giữ địa ngục - Ảnh 3.

The second fresco is also curious – Photo: ITALIAN MINISTRY OF CULTURE

Who the person in the tomb is, and why the frescoes depict him in connection with Cerberus, remains a mystery.

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