Exploring the Psychedelic Whirlpool of Christopher Scott’s Fantasy Tattoo

For those who crave unique and original tattoos, we invite you on a journey through the creative realm of American tattoo artist Christopher Scott.

His portfolio showcases a rainbow of colors, amazing images and surreal artwork, that’s right, it’s true psychedelic tattooing.

Christopher Scott's psychedelic tattoo

Christopher Scott’s psychedelic tattoo

With a blend of traditional tattooing and boundless imagination, Scott creates breathtaking multi-dimensional pieces that would make great psychedelic artists green with envy.

His tattoos feature a fusion of religious symbols, social commentary, mysticism, magic, cosmic eyes and, of course, a plethora of mushrooms!

Christopher Scott's psychedelic tattoo

Christopher Scott’s psychedelic tattoo

Christopher Scott's psychedelic tattoo

Christopher Scott’s psychedelic tattoo

Every piece is a puzzle that draws you into the artist’s limitless imagination and psychedelic vortex.

You should also look: A face of the new generation of traditional tattoo – Arseny Bozhinov

So, if you’re eager to adorn your body with a Christopher Scott masterpiece, head to Hagerstown, West Maryland, USA.

Christopher Scott's psychedelic tattoo

Psychedelic back tattoo by Christopher Scott

Christopher Scott's psychedelic tattoo

Christopher Scott’s psychedelic tattoo

Christopher Scott's psychedelic tattoo

Christopher Scott’s psychedelic tattoo

You should also look: Burst of colour in Jaesae Hur’s pop art tattoos

Christopher Scott's psychedelic tattoo

Christopher Scott’s psychedelic tattoo

Christopher Scott's psychedelic tattoo

Christopher Scott’s psychedelic tattoo

Christopher Scott's psychedelic tattoo

Christopher Scott’s psychedelic tattoo

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