Beautifully Symbolic Tattoos of Family Union

One of the things that is looked for when getting a tattoo is that it has great symbolism and Tattoos that represent Family Union are a great example of this.


The word family comes from the Latin “family” from “famulus”, which in turn derives from the Oscan “famel” which means servant, and more remotely from the Sanskrit “vama”, which means room, house.

Tattoos that represent Family Union

































Tattoo in honor of Mom


Tattoo in Honor of Parents


Tattoos for Husbands


Family Tattoo


Father and Son Tattoo ""

Mom and son tattoos


Son Tattoo


Sister Tattoos ""

See brother and sister tattoos

Based on this etymology, in ancient times the group of people and slaves who lived with the lord of the house was considered a family. The family is the group of people united by ties of marriage, kinship or adoption.

Considered as a natural and universal community, with an emotional basis, of indisputable training in the individual and of social importance. It is said to be universal since the history of the family is the history of humanity.

In all social groups and at all stages of their civilization, some form of family organization has always been found. The family has changed over time, but it has always existed, which is why it is a universal social group, the most universal of all.

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