“They Liberated a Dog from its Chains and Restored Hope After Years of Loss (Video)”

Tilly is the name of our beautiful protagonist, a dog who was freed from a heavy chain that overwhelmed her for a long time and limited much of her movements.

His release was possible thanks to the Humane Society of the United States , who carried out an incredible rescue operation that ended up saving several furry dogs used for dog fighting.

"little dog"

The rescue operation took place in Gaston County, North Carolina , where Tilly and other four-legged friends left behind a past full of pain that unfortunately left notable scars on their furry bodies.

Morgan Rivera, a member of the rescue group, described the moment Tilly was freed from the heavy chain and began a new life as a free and loved dog.

Tilly had noticeable scars on her body and a large mark on her neck from the weight of the chain.


The exciting news was announced through the Facebook page of the Humane Society, the publication reads:

“Tilly’s life is very different now. We rescued Buttercup, now known as Tilly, and other dogs from a dog fighting venue in Gaston County, North Carolina.

The dogs were found living outside on heavy chains without access to adequate shelter, covered in fleas and with visible scars, consistent with injuries typically seen in dog fighting cases.”


The dogs were outdoors with heavy chains and visibly abused, Tilly was the one who caught the most attention, she was not only isolated from the other dogs but she looked crestfallen, her gaze conveyed sadness and pain .


Incredibly, when the rescuers arrived she tried to approach them, but the chain prevented her from reaching those who ended up becoming her lifesaver.

After her release she fell surrendered to the caresses of her rescuers.


It was not until Morgan and part of the team approached the dog that they managed to free her and she, without hesitation, received them with more sweet kisses and caresses, recognized that they were good people and without any fear showed them her love .

The puppies used for this cruel activity require isolation and little or no sociability, causing them anxiety and frustration.


Tilly, like the rest of the furry children, went through a training and education process. Luckily, they all responded in the best way and were adopted shortly after.

This time, these adorable little dogs achieved a happy ending, but unfortunately, there are still many animals suffering under the power of unscrupulous beings who use them for their personal interests.

Despite the terrible past that Tilly lived from the first moment, she revealed that she was a tender fur ball.

The practice of dog fighting is considered one of the most unfair treatments towards animals. They suffer a lot not only during training where they are affected, but in combat where they can even have a fatal outcome.

This is promoted by an illegal trafficking network, a dark criminal business that affects thousands of dogs around the world.

Now this dog enjoys a new life in total freedom, full of love and being the darling of the house.


As animal lovers and defenders, it is our duty to speak out against all unfair treatment and punish those responsible for this cruel activity, which encourages violence and deeply damages the social fabric.

Let’s continue raising our voices and fighting for a world free of animal abuse.

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