Ethereal Feathered Tattoos

These designs are a great way to express yourself whether that be through a watercolor feather tattoo or a black & white shoulder piece. 

Feather tattoos are among the most used today, this is because they manage to represent impressive things and have quite deep meanings. One of them is freedom, which is undoubtedly very attractive to people who love to follow their own ideas and be independent.

Now, below we will show you the compilation of various meanings so that you know the best ones. Pay attention to each one of them!




What do feather tattoos meаn?

Feather tattoos are very popular, this is due to their harmonious aesthetics, as well as the fact that they can be linked with different accessories such as phrases or figures and will look truly sublime and charming.

Among the various meanings it has is freedom, this is due to the plumage of birds that allow them to fly, for this reason, freedom reflects feeling and living freely or in search of freedom.

Feather tattoos also remember the element of air, for this reason it means intellectuality and communicating what we think. If you study careers linked to communication, this tattoo is ideal to capture on your body.

There are many really minimalist feather tattoos that manage to be even more delicate and discreet but still look wonderful. They look very beautiful in places such as the ankle, chest, arm or wrist, and you will be able to provide meanings such as simplicity and beauty.

Now, according to various cultures, feathers are very positive symbols which help you achieve everything you set out to do. If you want to get a feather tattoo, take these aspects into account.



Meaning of Tattoos according to their Type of Feathers

Below we present the various meanings of feather tattoos according to the types of feathers, among them are; Indian feathers, which means aspects related to spirituality.

In addition, there are also types of feathers such as eagles, which represent strength and bravery, and meаn the strength of ideas. Peacock and owl feathers, on the other hand, represent intelligence, beauty and majesty.





Meanings of Feather Tattoos for Wоme𝚗

Feather tattoos are symbols of infinite flight, for this reason they are preferred by wоme𝚗, which means that with this tattoo wоme𝚗 seek to represent freedom of ideas, courage and strength, desires or independence.

There are many areas where this type of tattoo can look very delicate for wоme𝚗, some of them are on the foot where they represent confidence, self-esteem and creativity.

On the neck they usually symbolize lightness and delicacy, which with a tattoo in this area you will be showing sensuality and femininity. On the other hand, if you get a tattoo on your arm, they represent firmness, courage and power. Ideal for strong wоme𝚗.

We hope that each of the information offered in this article about the meaning of feather tattoos helps you define the tattoo you are looking for, and if not, come back soon for more tattoo designs and get the ideal one for you.

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